Tuesday, 18 April 2017

How to travel in 2050?

Against the background of the significant development of new technologies, consumer behavior, both when traveling and booking, is changing. One can wonder how the consumer will travel in the coming years in the face of large-scale innovations ?  What will people be able to do in order to discover the world ? To answer these questions, we have decided to find some original and future travel trends that will be perhaps possible to experience in 30 years from now, or maybe sooner than we could expect...
  • Travelling always faster with the hyperloop

Interminable hours in train will be soon ancient history. Turning a four hours trip into a 30 minutes fantastic trip, yes it will happen! Hyperloop, based on an concept created in 2012 by Elon Musk, will be the first hyperfast (near supersonic speed) transport system. The first test track has been built in Nevada and the tests have begun. This new transportation will enhance mobility and enable people to travel more and save a precious amount of time they could use to visit more.  
  • Travelling “to infinity and beyond!” with space tourism

In the next few years, visit the space will be one of the new way of traveling. Indeed, everything started in 2001 with the launch of the space tourism. Astrium decided to create a space plane for travelers, and some companies speak about space hotels…
The space could become a current excursion proposed by several operators, accessible to anyone wishing to contemplate the Earth in weightlessness, as can the astronauts. The only problem will be the cost. Indeed, today, it cost 200 000 dollars per person to travel in the space with the “Virgin Space Ship”. However, in 2050 it will probably be cheaper.
  • Travelling and stay green with electric and comfy planes?

The aviation company Zunum Aero is starting a revolution in air travel. They plan to introduce by 2020 the first electric plane for regional commercial flights, flying up to 700 miles. Electric planes could become the future of short haul transportation in the first instance. This is not the only innovation they intent to propose to the air transportation world, they would like to enable people to take their luggages with them directly in the plane and therefore avoid many queues and waiting time.
Other types of innovations are emerging too, mainly concerning plane designs and ergonomics. People will, for example, be able to enjoy the view thanks to panoramic windows according to Airbus; seats could also turn into pods to offer private places and so on.  
  • New travel experiences thanks to biometrics

Today, travel experiences need to be personalised and in the next few years, using biometrics will permit to access much more to this personalise experience. This new way to travel will allow the customer to don’t waste his time. Indeed, “Biometric face recognition software and machine-readable passports, incorporating a digital boarding pass, will mean that clearing customs will take less than a minute, and high-speed molecular scanners will security check hand luggage in seconds as you walk past them toward the departure lounge without even breaking your stride” according to Steve Tooze.
The Japanese, who are ahead of our time, have just announced the launch of a connecting visitor biometric data to their financial information. The goal is to make easily payments for travelers and to not fill out the tax exemption forms. Some hotels can participate to this new technology to make the passport authentication easily.
This new technology start to be a revolution for the airport industry and it will be implement in all the world in the next few years.

We probably cannot even picture how the world will look like but we can easily assume travelling will get greener, simpler and quicker. What about teleportation? It is not such a surrealistic hypothesis anymore. Nobody proved it cannot be done, so let’s wait and see what the future holds for us.




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