Friday, 14 April 2017

Holograms: what would be its future in the event industry?

The election of the next French President will begin on the 23rd of April 2017. All candidates try to stand out. The technology and social media are very efficient weapons in politic domain.  This year, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the leader of La France Insoumise and member of PS party, uses for the first time holograms for its political meetings. Its goals are to increase its presence in cities he couldn’t stand meeting, to reach news electors in high abstinence rate cities and create buzz.
In February, Mélenchon was doing a meeting in Lyon but also in Paris thanks to a hologram. This was the first French political meeting with hologram. In April, he goes beyond and will be at the same time in seven different cities in France. He will be in Dijon physically and in Nantes, Clermont, Montpellier, Nancy and Le Port (La Réunion, DOM of France) via holograms.
Holograms are not only used in political domain. Indeed, this technology is developing news concepts. Few months ago, Hit Parade, a singing show, has been developed. The concept is to create, via holograms, a concert with dead French famous singers such as Claude François, Mike Brant or Dalida. This performance has rekindled the magic of those dead singers’ concerts and shared this old music with new people.
Moreover, some artists use this high tech evolution. At the beginning of April, Parisians meet holograms of animals. Passer-by could find a zebra, a tiger but also a lion in some places of the capital, such as Seine embankment, bus stop or quite simply in the street. Alexandre Zanetti, a film director, imagined that night art event projection.
Finally, holograms are living an amazing growth. Every domain begins to use it even the religious one. In fact, a French Mosque leader, Azzedine Gaci, was inspired by Mélenchon’s hologram move.  Many Mosque leaders don’t fully speak French. Then, the Friday prayer is very important in the Muslim religion and believers are very receptive to the message conveyed.  Holograms could help the Muslim religion in radicalisation problems, lack of Imam trainings but also in foreign langue lecture problems.

To conclude, holograms have a huge future in meeting event. If we use holograms, events could take place in different places all around the world in live. Companies could save money; attendees won’t have to move from their cities to the venue but will live the conference almost like a physical meeting. Many impacts can be underlined. But, what would be the costs engaged for the creation of holograms and its implementation?  What about boundaries and threats of this technology?
Yana Ussenko & Laëtitia Vié

Pierre, (April 2017), "Jean-Luc Mélenchon nous refait le coup de l'hologramme... pour tenir sept meetings en même temps", Journal de Geek. Retrieved from:

S. Merle, (January 2017), "Claude François revient sur scène... en hologramme", Le Parisien.   Retrieved from:

Europe 1, (April 2017), "Les parisiens surpris par des animaux sauvages en hologramme".
Retrieved from:

F. Méréo et P. Martinat, (April 2017), "Quand l'hologramme de Mélenchon inspire l'imam de Villeurbanne #moiélecteur", Le Parisien.
Retrieved from:

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