Monday, 25 March 2013

9 guaranteed ways to make industry events worth your while

According to this article, the event and trade show industry has gathered $13 billion in revenue in 2012. The goal of the article is to present different ways to guarantee the success of attending events.

Meeting people belonging to the same industry can be very enriching and meaningful. However, networking is not just a matter of shaking hands or distributing business cards. It is more coherent to prepare some easy but relevant questions to ask such as the person’s company, their role and the reason for attending the event. People are more likely to talk about what they do in their business. Those trivial questions aim at breaking the ice without anyone to notice it, to implement a real conversation about any common grounds. The notion of “elevator pitch” is here very important and attendees should have it prepared (30 seconds about you with the most relevant information).

Generate leads
As a member of a company, it can be great to show that there is a real return on investment (ROI) participating to this event. Coming back with loads of contacts in sales or marketing is a good thing. People are talking about their companies; this is the right time to present your own with its products and services. Getting leads is linked to networking. A casual conversation can look like a sales call and can be determinant. However, it is really important not to forget the follow-up after the event. A call or an email with the specific details can conclude a deal. People like to have attention on them and follow-ups are part of this.

Close a deal
Some attendees expect to close deals right during the event. To do so, people have to look carefully at the participants. Social media are useful tools to learn more about it; LinkedIn Events or Twitter for instance. You also have to specify that your organization is attending. The after-event will be easier while all the people will be registered on a single platform. People will see that you are coming and you will be able to see that other people have confirmed their presence. Anticipating an event is the greatest solution to make efficient deals.

Establish a co-marketing partnership
Some companies are willing to establish co-marketing partnerships in order to collaborate on promotional efforts. Mutual benefits can come up but it is hard to do so if you do not know well the people of the industry. The event industry is quite “small” in the sense that it is really easy to know everyone but also very hard to get real connections. The best partners are those who share the same goals.

Discover new tools, technologies, and software
Some events have dedicated spots for exhibitors and vendors. When attending to an event, it can be useful to check which exhibitors will be present and if there can be any interest for you or for them. Meeting new firms can help you gain in terms of efficiency or work methods. Attendees should be aware of what is surrounding them during a trade show. The booths, the organization… everything can be helpful with your own company.

Attend conference parties
Happy hour, some kind of afterwork, post-conference events… These kinds of side events are less formal and can give different opportunities. Talking with people is enriching even if this is not just about businesses. Relationships can be created and maintained afterwards.

Educate yourself
Attending an event should be educative. You can come back with presentations, new ideas… The most important thing is to come to the event with a set of expectations. It is important to gather relevant information and deliverables to be shared with your company.

Educate others
Afterwards, you will be able to teach others what you came up with during the event through live-blogging, live-tweeting or by adopting a consultant position with helpful content while networking with colleagues for instance.

Get some sleep!
Huge events are full of interesting topics, conferences and workshops. However, trying to do everything can make you burning out. Schedule is important, so is planning your program.

Through these pieces of advice, Rachel Sprung helped us understand the importance of being present while belonging to the event industry. You cannot be successful alone in this kind of sector. People and networking are mattering. The event industry raked in a lot of money because this is at the heart of our society. People have to share with others in order to educate, to sell, to be seen and to develop. Companies need to be visible and trade shows are a solution that have to be taken in account.


Article written by Rachel Sprung, March 21, 2013
 Keywords: #eventindustry, #tips, #networking, #leads, #partnerships, #education

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