Friday 20 February 2015

SPOTME-Experience the future of events

Spotme is a leading innovator of mobile event technology which focus on transformative events apps over 14 years. There is no doubt that Spotme is a conference technology innovation. When it first introduced to the meeting industry in 2001, it bring a new revolution of this industry.
Actually, Spotme is a multifunctional wireless  products which can provide service at the same time for 200 to 500 meeting attendees. The size and shape similar to the PS game console and there are a dozen major functions such as meeting agenda, electronic maps, representatives basic information provided,exchange business card and so on. Spotme's customers are typically global top 500 enterprises such as Roche;NOVARTIS; Cordis;AstraZeneca;medco;JANSSEN-CILAG becuase large corporates have more potential need for event service. Make an example, ICCA       which refers to International Conference on General Assembly Association every year use Spotme as a communication tool. After several improvement, Spotme application now greatly improved the efficiency of the meeting, many meeting attendees love it since it greatly helping saving resources.

There are some data prove that Spotme do work and help optimized as follows:
On 2014, in the  Solution for medical and pharmaceutical meetings which held in Singapore.
95% of participants at medical meetings said Spotme improved the meeting
97% said they would recommend it
40 average number of times participants use Spotme per day

Better Networking make identify the person you want to meet more easy and make message connect more efficient. No paper E-business card exchange contribute to sustainable development. 

As for the meeting organizers, the drawback of Spotme is the lease costly, in addition to two technical staff travel fees, they still need to pay the renting fees for each machine each day. If just a simple meeting with not so many meeting attendees and the meeting time last not that long, then use Spotme seems meaningless. Like the ICCA meeting I mentioned before, everyear the Spotme basic fees most provide from the sponsors.  ALTM(Asia Luxury Travel Expo 2007) which held in Shanghai,FTF2008(Freescale Technology Forum)which held in Beijing both use Spotme devices and we think it will become the future trend.


Dongyu Liao& Wensi Chen

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