Tuesday 17 February 2015

New conference trend: Gaming!
Gaming your event is easy!
The gamification of an event is the process of adding online games during your events. It can be during a break, for an incentive or a special event. If you want to organize an event with games you  must go to an online platform in order to create the game with all the details needed.
Then, the game created will appear on the app of your attendees!
Most of the app offers various features such as GPS, check-in, images, videos, QR codes, report on teams results etc. There are a lot of options in order to fit with your specific event.
Several games apps already exist. On the online platform, you can keep the ideas and add your specific needs.
Here-below you will find 5 examples of gaming:
“Loquiz” is one of the game creations offering an adventurous strategy game in real life by creating quizzes.
“The actionbound” is also an application which looks like a scavenger hunt. Thanks to the app, you will be able to get the performance of each team in real time.
“Mapsash” is another application focus on discovering locations thanks to photos challenges, quizzes etc.
“Scavify” is also easy to use whith a list of tasks informing each of your attendees of what they have to do.
“Goose chase adventures” is also a game allowing attendees to discover a city by taking pictures with specific rules such as “find a status of a dog” etc.
The applications above are just examples of what you can do to give more attractions to your events.  

The use of gaming application during an event can present several benefits.  In the event industry, it is crucial to know that attendees are more and more seeking for an experience. A gaming application will bring novelty and attract curiosity by bringing more fun into your event. Once they experienced the new concept they will be impressed by the uniqueness of the experience and more willing to remember your event. A certain type of game can also re-enforce the theme of the event if it is well coordinated. For instance a quiz on geography can be chosen for a tourism event.  The interaction between attendees is also facilitated with an entertaining game. It makes it easier for the guests to start a discussion. Using an application as a way to connect your attendee is easy to implement as the settings do not include a lot of logistics apart from explaining the concept. Indeed there is no physical constraint as it would have with a real life game which would require an available room, some free time in the schedule, paper, pen… Another major benefit is that the gaming applications do not require any investment into technologic equipment. Each attendee bring their personal laptop and/or smartphone and use them during the event. The access to multimedia content can also bring a lot of value to the game. For instance, a game in the form of hunt or geocatching can make you discover any location in the world from your mobile phone.
However, you need to be careful when using games application! In fact, it could not fit with every types of events. Depending on the event and the types of attendees, doing games during breaks or during the afternoon of an event could make it not as credible as it needs to be.  It is important to settle the objectives of your event before starting the application game process.

Gabrielle & Emmanuelle


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