Monday, 28 February 2011

Facebook factor’ inspires 52% to book a holiday, reports Skyscanner.

How to find a new destination? What’s influenced our choices? This article written by Theodore Koumelis in shows the influence of Facebook, and social networks in general, in our travel choices’.

In communication and especially in advertising we know the importance of images. We also know that the most influenced pull factors are friends advices and friends experiences and especially in tourism sector. As Sam Baldwin said “A picture worth a thousand words”, this article illustrates perfectly this notion. Indeed, according to the author 52% of Facebook users admit that seeing fiends’ holidays picture had inspired them to book a holiday to the same place.

But why is it such a big deal? Why is it important to know that 52% of

Facebook users are influencing by their friends holiday’s pictures for their travel choices? Just because Facebook is know representing a community of more than 500 million people, it’s mean that around 260 million people choose their destination for holidays by being influenced by their friends holiday’s pictures. Its represent a fantastic target for DMC, DMO, hotels, clubs… Those organizations need to reinforce their presences on social networks and can use Facebook to be aware of the new travel trends and try to influence them. It’s a real opportunity to promote a destination, by seducing a few numbers of people to go to a destination, DMO’s know that will create a snow ball effect, and more people will go to that destination by viewing their friends holiday’s pictures.

Skyscanner survey also reveal that Facebook’s role in tourism sector do not limit itself in influencing people choices, but take more part in group travel organization. Indeed, according to that survey, 46% of Facebook users having either organised or been invited on a trip via the site.

Facebook is know a real tool of promotion for DMOs, to use with caution…


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