Tuesday 30 April 2013

How Technology is Helping Shape Business Events

Nowadays, everybody agree to say that new technology has deeply changed the world of business. It is currently inconceivable to imagine a competitive company without using news digital tools to improve its efficiency. The positive effects of new technology in business are not a secret anymore. It has become an indispensable tool to increase the level of interactivity with everybody (such as people inside the company or new targets all around the world), to quickly circulate information everywhere, to do everything faster, to avoid making mistake (ex: calculation done by a computer), to contact consumer easily, to reach instantaneously million of people with articles, videos or interviews and so on. Nevertheless, it is important to be aware that even if today everything is carried out digitally, the ways we do business stay originally the same as before. Indeed, “contracts are still closed on the phone, new leads are still met in person, and networking event such as trade shows and exhibition still use the same in-person conversation tactics as they did 40 years before”.

One of the key successes of a famous and profitable company seems to be the capacity to perfectly combine the base of business and the advanced of new technology. The event industry is particularly concerned with this phenomenon. Indeed, even if it is still necessary to have real contacts with consumers and event staff, new technology has become a tool that is impossible to ignore in each kind of event. Several elements are to take in consideration. New technology is useful and necessary in distinct stage of an event.

Before the event:
New technology has to be used to inform attendees about each detail of the event. Everything has to be clearly share beforehand and digital tools are the most efficient way to do that. Several ways can be used such as mobile apps, QR codes, newsletters, twits, videos, gamification, crowdsourcing and so on. It is important to use the best ones in perfect harmony with each kind of people. Indeed, we don’t speak the same way with a young people interested in a music festival event and a business man about to be present in a medical conference.

During the event:
During the event, new technology is very important as well. It is useful to inform each attendee about everything concerning the current event. (Modification concerning the schedule or the rooms’ numbers for example.) Business events are reported instantly thanks to the immense advancements in mobile communications. New technology is off course indispensable for each videoconference, direct broadcast, and virtual presentation and so on.

After the event:
Nothing is more efficient that collecting feedback with new technology tools. Social media, questionnaires send by email, vote online and so on are very effective ways to learn about the impressions of attendees and to improve some aspects in the future. Information can also be diffused about next event and to keep in touch with each people.

So we can assure that new technology has become an indispensable tool for the success of each event. This industry does not have other choice that to use it to get business advantage and on sight of the fast growth of the last decade, we can be sure that this phenomenon will reserve some unexpected effects for the next generation. 


Parry A. (2013) How Technology is Helping Shape Business Event. EventIndustryNew-UnitedKingdom. Retrieved from http://www.eventindustrynews.co.uk/2013/04/17/how-technology-is-helping-shape-business-events-eventtech/

Posted by Solenne Annoussamy and Juliette Courty-Garnier

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