Monday 30 April 2012

Robot Prostitutes, the future of Sex Tourism

Robot Prostitutes, the Future of Sex Tourism

Would you pay to have sex with a robot prostitute?

Credit: Digital vision / Getty Images

The story:

Ian Yeoman, futurist with an interest in tourism and Michelle Mars, sexologist at an University in New Zealand think someone will. Both wrote a paper entitled "Robots, Men and Sex Tourism".

The sex industry's problems, such as human trafficking, human degradation and the spread of sexually transmitted infections may be overcome by the technology with Robotic prostitutes.

Yeoman and Mars imagine what the red-light district will look like in the year 2050:
“Yub-Yum is Amsterdam's top sex club for business travelers where the entry costs are $10,000 for an all-inclusive service. The Yub-Yum is a unique bordello licensed by the city council and the special feature is that staff is not human but replaced by androids. Due to the increase of human trafficking in the sex industry and the incurable STI's such as HIV, the city had to find a solution. Amsterdam's tourist industry is built on an image of sex and drugs. The red light district considered as Amsterdam’s icon cannot be closed without detrimental affecting the tourism industry.  
The Yub-Yum offers a range of sexual gods and goddesses of different ethnicities, body shapes, ages, languages and sexual features. In 2049, the club has won numerous technology and innovation awards including the prestigious ISO iRobotSEX award. The most popular robot is blonde Russian called Irina, who is popular with Middle Eastern businessmen. The services of Yub-Yum guarantee an exciting and thrilling experience because all the robots are programmed to over perform services.
Between two consumers, the android is flushed for human fluids and the robot’s composition of bacteria resistant fiber does not allow Sexual Transmitted Disease's transfer to the next consumer.  The impact of Yub-Yum club has transformed the sex industry into a healthier sector without human trafficking problems. Maybe some human sex workers will resist and be opposed to this project to save their business as they cannot compete on price and quality. With the technologic sex industry, clients do not feel guilt because they actually have not had sex with a real person and therefore do not have to lie to their partner.
With the emergence of Internet pornography and online escort service, it is obvious the Digital Age has revolutionized the sex industry. In addition sexual taboos are changing and maybe sex robots may be the solution of sex tourism’s problems.”

The bloggers’ opinion:

Whether we like it or not, sex has been traded since forever. Prostitution is one of the oldest jobs of the World and unfortunately became part of Tourism. Some countries fight it (for instance in Thailand), while others try to regulate the business by legalizing or at least allowing prostitution in designated city areas, known as red light districts (such as Amsterdam, Netherland).
New technologies are making progress in all kind of sectors and Sex is also being "enhanced" by IT. Those types of robots prostitutes, even if not really realistic yet, will be helpful to avoid human trafficking and to reduce the spread of diseases. However, trading sex is easy money for the prostitute as well as the one “trading” the prostitute. That is why we doubt that those robots prostitutes will one day completely replace the real human prostitute. This kind of “advance technology” might also help foster the destination’s image: it might create a curiosity interest around the Red Light District and its new inhabitants. 
Let’s see in 30 years how Sex Tourism will evolve …


By Laurene Deneve & Nina Phanatzis, on April 28th, 2012.

Keywords: sex tourism, androids, prostitution, technology, robots, diseases, human trafficking

Nic Halverson (Aprl 2012): Robot Prostitutes, the Future of Sex Tourism. Retrieved from 

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