Tuesday 28 February 2012

5 technologies which are going to change the business tourism

      Technologies are made to facilitate our day life. In order to ameliorate it considerably, all around the world engineers are working to find new solution.
Some researches lead us to talk about 5 technologies that will change and ameliorate the day life of business travelers.

The voice as a research tool:
Source: deplacementspros.com
The aim will be to replace the keyboard by the voice recognition when doing research on Google about hotels, flights, restaurants…
On the future this technology will be the only way to research information and it will also propose a new dimension of services with the possibility to choose exactly the hotel room, to check in and check out without going to the reception or to select the seat for a flight or a table at a restaurant.

Near Field Communication (NCF) more than a tool for payment:
Source: deplacementspros.com
Nowadays smartphones permit us to check in for our flight or to use them as ticket for transport. With this new technology people will be able to open hotels rooms - their phones replacing the key – or to unlock the minibar and inform the system about what has been consumed. This technology will also be able to pay taxi services and the bill will be sent directly to the company. Another aspect will be the voice recognition to accommodate the different schedule changes that may be encountered during a business trip. The smartphone will directly manage to prevent a contact of a delay or it will reschedule your rail or air booking.

Intelligent aircraft seating:
Source: deplacementspros.com
Tomorrow, aircraft seats made with intelligent textiles will take into account any allergies or medical contraindications of passengers, stored and transferred to the support by their cellphones. This system aims to ameliorate the health and the comfort of the customers.

A tool to help and anticipate problems:
Smartphones will be able to postpone a meeting or a flight itself and also send flower or card to the contact of the user for special occasions such as birthday, Valentine’s Day, noted on his agenda.

A way to protect yout health:
In the future, hearth rate, hypoglycemia, overwork… will be measured in real time by our smartphones that would indicate any failure to a medical server. They will also be able to offer us a list of recommended drugs or intelligent textiles.

In our opinion these new technologies could bring big changes to our lives and they would free us from typing on a keyboard to do a research or from carrying around cash, credit cards, keys, traditional ID cards... All of that would be stored on our phone, and we could make payments or open our hotel room or anticipate a flight delay by simply carrying this phone.  
However, there are obvious security and privacy issues to be addressed. Even if we use systems more and more efficient against piracy, we are never safe. Still in 2012, important websites such as the one of the FBI or the White House have been hacked. Another important issue is the dehumanization that these new technologies engender. Human contact is increasingly forgotten. We increasingly feel that the digital substitutes for humans. And yet, the human presence reassures people.
If we are not able to trust in humans anymore, what will be their role in the future on this planet?

Lantris, P. (2012, January 9). Les 5 technologies qui vont bouleverser le voyage d’affaires. Retrieved February 2012, from Deplacementspros.com: http://www.deplacementspros.com/Les-5-technologies-qui-vont-bouleverser-le-voyage-d-affaires_a13026.html

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