Monday 14 March 2016

Social Media as a key tool for the tourism industry

It is no secret that the rise of connectivity has led professionals in the tourism industry to turn towards Social Media as an inherent marketing tool. As this trend is increasingly used, consultancy and marketing agencies have specialized in the tourism industry specifically in order to help them take full advantage of this practice.
This is the case for Destination Think! for instance, who believe that word to mouth is the key to tourism marketing and offer a deep understanding of social media and experience in digital marketing.

Destination Think! answers to the need for the tourism industry to re-assess its marketing approach and include social at its core by organizing the Social Media Tourism Symposium, known as SoMeT, an annual conference that provides an opportunity for destinations and tourism professionals to share ideas and learn how to leverage digital and social media marketing within their industry.

Some of the key understandings to put into practice are based on the fact that user generated content is an undeniably powerful and inexpensive marketing source. Companies need to engage with the user, make their site mobile friendly, and be present on all social and interactive media. If the user is able to easily share content and post personal experience, its impact has the potential to reach a large crowd.
Tourism Australia understood the importance of social media in their marketing campaign. They stimulate interaction with users through key platforms. Their Facebook page focuses on sharing user-generated content, thus encouraging fans to keep posting their experience regularly. They also organize weekly contests for further interaction. Tourism Australia’s Twitter and Google+ accounts share relevant news, photos and updates about the destination, while its’ Instagram Instagram (@australia)  and Pinterest profiles showcases beautiful shots of Australia.

Tourism Australia is just an example within many more. This social trend is full of potential and still has room for growth. The participation of tourism professionals in conferences such as SoMeT shows the willingness to interact, share ideas and keep innovating.

Agnès Trucco & Emilie Mika


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