Monday, 31 January 2011

New technologies in the event industry - interactive communication

New technologies in the event industry - interactive communication

Historically event marketing was developed from traditional techniques like PR, sampling.. etc.. Nowadays it is a unique engagement process using others tools to be sustainable and to bring something different to the visitors.

Brands are using events to raise their brand awareness and to improve their image in the consumer’s minds; more and more original, more and more visionary, and especially regarding the competition, they have to be very creative and innovative. That’s the reason why event agencies are now using the interactive communication : Beamvertising, touch wall, façade mapping and interactive tables. The article deals with all these new technologies and calls this trend “the era of the 5th elements”.

First of all, the “beamvertising” is the new generation of the billboard sticking. In order to be more an eye catcher, marketing departments and/or event agencies decided to adapt new technologies to their existing marketing activity. In order to do so, they use retro projection which shows logos or short advertising spots at night on monuments or giant walls.

Furthermore, LG used “Façade mapping”/ “Wall mapping in Berlin to launch a new mobile. It was followed by an old event technique: distribution of goodies. In order to better understand we invite you to go visit the link of the video taken in Berlin of a LG 3D commercial on a building. It is very impressive. (

Moreover, there are so called “touch walls”, which are interactive giant screens, used to show public images, articles, graphics as well as Twitter posts in real time. This tool enable a interactive communication between the general public and the announcer. An example for this tool was tested by the Canadian DMO that had installed those touch walls in the streets of New York City in order to promote Canada as a destination, showing pictures, articles, Tweets and the real plus is the possibility for people to actually interact and comment on those shown documents in real time.

Another new technology is presented through interactive tables. These tables can be installed in restaurants, where guests can virtually visit the kitchen while they are waiting for their meal. It is also possible to order via these tables or to play games thanks to some apps being installed in the tables. Furthermore, they present information about the city as where to go after dinner etc.

We choose this article because it summarizes very well the capacities of new IT used in the event industry. Especially the event industry depends very strongly on these new applications in order to be able to stay competitive. Moreover, we both think that these technologies are very interesting and mind opening and it is important for everybody to be well informed about the latest technologies. As tourism and events are closely linked, these applications, when installed in a city will benefit for tourists as well for the city as a business attraction where logistics and infrastructure are well organized and easy to understand thanks to these tools. We all know that the IT tools will present our future and that we have to adopt quickly.


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