Monday 30 March 2015

Wearable technologies - an innovative way of enhancing customers’ experience

Technology development does not seem to stop in front of the hotel industry: hoteliers are preparing their properties for wearable technologies such as Apple Watch and started to integrate smart devices. Furthermore, the preparation goes beyond the property, because the customer experience already starts way before the arrival at the hotel. Chris Holdren, Senior VP of the global digital and Starwood Preferred Guest programs, shares his vision of an overall guest experience that already starts when the customer arrives at the destination airport and gets informed about how to reach the hotel.

The aim of wearable technologies is to facilitate customer experience and make his life easier. The clients will not need room keys and credit cards anymore. Starwood and Hilton Hotels have already developed a technology that enables customers to unlock their rooms with a simple swipe.

However it is not only the hospitality industry that developed this kind of technologies to enhance and facilitate customer experience but also airline industry. Through Apple watch and by downloading Easy Jet application, the customer will be able to receive personalised flight information, pre-departure flight information, details about check-in and information about the weather and the destination they are flying to. Those re-designed touch points with technology are going to personalize services for the customer. As the author mentioned in Travel news, “wearable technology will be able to give users key information in a simpler and more accessible way”.

All in all, technology seems to be once more a tool to enhance customer experience in the travel industry. Either hotels or airline companies are developing continuously and designing new services and products that are customer-oriented. In fact, companies are trying to develop the service or product experience in such ways that is viewed as the basis of the whole business. In fact, as Stickdorn and Frischhut said in 2012, “the many facets of the service experience and the increasingly complex service environment characterised by connectivity of services and service performance management require service managers to develop service management strategies from a customers’ point of view.” This seem to be a real challenge for the companies since it is not easy to understand customers’ perception and evaluation on the services, preferences, moods and emotions.

Although there are mostly benefits for both customer and hotel management, the security aspect must be taken into consideration. Wearable technology is easily hacked. The mass collection of data often includes not only personal data that may appear, but also operational data coming from the company. In order to decrease security concerns, companies should rely on specialised software platforms that guarantee security and privacy. The alternative to avoid the data collection and lack in security and privacy issues would be to not use a wearable device - but this is an alternative anybody would consider for now.
Stickdorn, M., & Frischhut, B., (2012). Service Design and Tourism: Case studies of applied research projects on mobile ethnography for tourism destinations.Norderstedt: Books on Demand.

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