The use of paperless means of payment is
spreading, thanks to mobile. The Amadeus software provider has launched a virtual wallet for payments
to B2B travel agencies.
20% of them report using virtual cards and 61% are not yet familiar with
this method of payment.
The B2B solution Prepaid Wallet aims to reduce the risk of fraud, but
also to generate additional income every time the agencies use their card.

B2B Wallet Prepaid is a solution containing 2 virtual cards backed a prepaid account, powered by the agency. The first generates maps MasterCard, allowing the agency to receive income every time they use the card. This income is a percentage of the amount spent. The second generates Visa debit cards, offering the agency to greatly reduce or eliminate the fees charged by some airlines to payments by credit card. These fees can amount to € 10, or € 15 per ticket .
B2B Wallet Prepaid potentially targets all market agencies, provided they
are willing to supply a prepaid account . It is at this
condition that Amadeus will grant them compensation.
Besides the fact that the
combination of the two cards is a real added value to the agency, the
generation of the two cards is very easy , by their integration in
Amadeus tools. Shortcuts thus enable agencies with a single click,
generate maps and integrate them at the time of payment, regardless of the
chosen card. The payment process is fundamentally shortcut in order
to gain time to agencies. at the other end of the chain,
reconciliation is thereby also simplified.
Some agencies admitted
they divided by 4 the time required for this accounting
reconciliation. many agencies still have 5, 10 or even 20 credit
cards for certain, and that, for ceiling reasons. B2B Prepaid
Wallet aims to replace all the cards.
What are the benefits of virtual payment cards?
Besides the advantages mentioned above, namely additional income, and
saving time, both in the generation of process maps in the accounting
reconciliation B2B Prepaid Wallet makes a real comfort against fraud. for
example, through limiting mechanisms, the amounts used by card can be capped.
B2B Wallet Prepaid was launched in
pilot phase at the end of last year, travel agencies' interest in this solution,
both secured and sources of income, is real.
Joëlle Calafell, Anaïs Dafri, Kim Tong